DHA Participating Insurers Results

The Health Insurance Law of Dubai No 11 of 2013 requires that all Residents must have a level of health insurance that meets or exceeds minimum benefits stipulated by DHA. These benefits form what is known as the Essential Benefits Plan. In order not to be a burden on employers, the price of providing these benefits needs to be kept low. In addition, DHA wants to ensure that the most vulnerable workers are protected. Because of this insurers will only be able to make reasonably small profits from the Essential Benefits Plan. Accordingly, only those insurance companies who can provide cover on a cost effective basis, who can handle volume business and can demonstrate operational effectiveness and high levels of customer service will be able to sell the Essential Benefits Plan to the segment of the Resident population earning 4,000 AED or less per month.

Over time, employers will have to cover these workers with a policy provided only by a “Participating Insurer”. The standards required to qualify as a “PI” were set at a much higher level than those required to obtain the DHA Health Insurance Permit.

The list of Participating Insurers is shown below. In November of each year, all insurers will have an opportunity to submit an Expression of Interest to become a PI and existing ones will need to reapply.

ClaimLink ID Payor Index Rate (Including Basmah & VAT) Online Application Link
INS005 DUBAI INSURANCE COMPANY 696 https://basicplan.dubins.ae/Individual/Products.aspx
INS007 DUBAI NATIONAL INSURANCE & REINSURANCE (P.S.C.) 732 https://www.dni.ae/
INS008 ORIENT INSURANCE P.J.S.C 725 https://orientonline.ae/PORTALS/GuestLogin.aspx
INS010 GULF INSURANCE GROUP (GIG) 708 https://www.giggulf.ae/
INS011 AL SAGR NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 721 https://miportal.alsagrins.ae/
INS012 SUKOON INSURANCE PJSC 679 https://direct.sukoon.com/health-insurance/plansandbenefits/
INS013 METLIFE 786 https://www.metlife.ae/en/
INS014 RAS AL KHAIMAH NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 774 https://www.rakinsurance.com/medical-2/
INS017 ABU DHABI NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 725 https://online.adnic.ae/
INS018 WATANIA TAKAFUL 748 https://www.watania.ae/personal-insurance/medical
INS019 QATAR INSURANCE COMPANY 730 https://qicuae.com/insurance/medical-individual/
INS020 AL-BUHAIRA NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 716 https://online.albuhaira.com/
INS025 ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY 748 https://www.alliance-uae.com/products/medical-insurance-2
INS027 ABU DHABI NATIONAL TAKAFUL COMPANY-TAKAFUL 748 https://health.takaful.ae/quotations
INS035 ISLAMIC ARAB INSURANCE COMPANY (SALAMA) 721 https://essential-benefit-plan.salama.ae/health
INS040 UNION INSURANCE COMPANY 643 https://www.unioninsurance.ae/en-us/personal/health-essential-benefits-plan/
INS044 Liva Insurance BSC (Previously NATIONAL LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY SAOG) 714 https://nlg.ae/
INS137 CIGNA INSURANCE MIDDLE EAST (S.A.L) - DUBAI BRANCH 826 https://www.cigna-me.com/en/individuals-and-families/uae/cigna-essential-benefits-plan